Saturday, June 11, 2011


Today I read two very interesting articles from the New York Times. One is an opinion article about the rate of consumption that we as a species are operating at. Basically, it states that we are using up more resources on this planet then we can replenish (duh), but the interesting part, to me anyways, is that we are currently using up 1.5 earths of resources. Seeing as we only have one earth, this is a problem. The other article is a discussion about sexting as a trend among adults, something inspired by the recent events concerning Mr. Weiner's online indiscretions.

Not that a discussion about cyber-infidelity isn't appreciated and interesting, but is that something that we as a people need to really worry about at this present moment? Politicians have alway wrestled between their personal life and their private life. Wether a conservative Congressman is trying to touch your foot in an airport bathroom or a liberal President is getting a blowie in the oval office, I don't think that is a valid reason to ignore the real problems of this world.

It is funny the level that we will go to distract ourselves from the real things in our lives. I believe that is called denial?

When I took my psychology class in high school, we were taught the different defense mechanisms. There are different levels of defense mechanism (thank god humor is considered to be among the mature defense mechanisms with altruism and thought suppression) and denial falls under the lowest level category of defense mechanisms: pathological. 

When ever I hear that word, it is never good. You will never hear someone speaking at a university commencement be described as pathological. "Our next speaker is, an inspiration to the students, pathological and psychotic, and has a substantial collection of kiddy porn." Ya, not the guy I want to shake hands with as I get my diploma. 

So here we have this negative word "denial"which falls under the "pathological" category of defense mechanisms. And my favorite part of denial, is that it is willful. It is the willful altering of ones reality to inhibit the realisation of what exist or is known to be true. 

This is why things such as TMZ and E! Entertainment News exist. We as a society have decided to ignore the problems in our own lives by becoming completely ensconced in the lives of the famous. What about our lives change when Blake Lively posts naked pictures? NOTHING!!! Nothing changes. Yet, the last time I asked an adult waitress what NATO was (and yes, I do this often) she looked at me with a completely blank face and said, "do you want sourdough or wheat toast?"*

Also, I completely realize that posting this on a blog that, up until this point, was about complaining and telling funny stories, is truly the definition of irony

But maybe I have more to offer then shallow, obvious, and disgusting humor. Maybe I can branch out and change this world. 

Who the hell am I kidding? My blog has a picture of me with a mohawk on it. I'm not going to be one of the most Influential People of 2011. 

But I think this is the start of me branching out. Don't get me wrong, I will still be posting stories and such. But you will soon see a small transformation. From a Tucker-Max-esque website to a platform for and topic that I care to touch upon. 

Come with me, as we journey down this blogging path, full of booze, babes, and bears. 


Maybe, just maybe...

1 comment:

  1. * The reason that this particular waitress bugged me was because she was old enough to have been ALIVE when NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed. I don't expect everyone to know what this is, because as of this century it is almost completely obsolete (even though its policies were enacted on September 11th, 2011. Whatever.) yet I expect people who grew up and can remember a time when Germany was two countries to at least know a little bit about the history that they lived in. That is all.
